Ooooooooh now I wished I’d watched the Victoria Secret show thinger last night. look at some of these wings… oooooh I want! Those giant angel wings!!!! eeeee!!
Uh… what else. Uh… my room is so clean it’s so great. I cleaned out from under my bed and my closet is all clean, it’s so nice. I think I already talked about that, but it really is nice.
Yesterday afternoon was WRONG. I got home, stopped by the mailbox to get the mail and put my Sonic tea next to the parking brake, since the cup holders were all full. I got back in the car and put the brake down, and it tore right into the cheap Sonic cup and tea went everywhere, all in my new car. ;_; And all over my pants, so I had to change pants. Then mom got home and took Indy out in the front yard (which I keep telling them NOT TO DO) and Susie (the next door neighbor’s dog) was out there, and they got in a tussle, of course. Then we gave indy a bath to clean her up and put her in this itch-relief stuff, and I got soaked and had to change pants again. Then a couple of hours later I went to take a bath and forgot we hadn’t cleaned it after Indy’s bath and it was DISGUSTING because of the itch-relief stuff not to mention the dog hair. I had to clean the bathtub before I could take a bath.
I have a test today! I haven’t studied. OH! I made 100 on my last math test. I should FRAME that bad boy.
And I have a short story. It’s about my friend’s 6 year old nephew. Yesterday he was telling his mom about what they’d done in school. Every week or so, the teacher passes around a piece of paper that says each kid’s name at the top nd all the students have to write something nice about that kid. He was excited because that day had been his turn, and everyone had written nice things. He said, “And someone wrote, ‘I like you.’ Only they misspelled ‘like.'”
His mom said, “Well how did they spell it?”
He said, “L-I-K-E.”
Mom told him that IS how you spell ‘like.’ He thought about that for a minute, and then asked, “Well, what does l-i-c-k spell?”
Mom said, “That spells ‘lick.'”
He got these big tears in his eyes and went running off into his room. His mom followed and asked what was wrong. He said, “On everybody else’s paper I’ve been writing, ‘I lick you’!”
Tomorrow we are going over to Cath’s to watch Two Towers. yay š